Like the Royal Throne Celebration at Tamil movie "Lingaa" audio launch. Tamil superstar Rajinikanth are attended for his new movie Lingaa audio launches. Why not this celebration? Actually South Indian most of the audiences and fans are want to there superstar will be acting one movie per year. Yes my blogger reader, I am Rajinikanth talking about who are gave to many many movies. At this time, he acting super action movie Lingaa which is directed by K.S. Ravikumar and produced by Rockline Venkatesh and music composed by A.R. Rahman. Rajinikanth with also appeared Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha, Tamil actress Anushka Shetty, N. Santhanam and Jagapathi Babu. The movie initially release in December 12, 2014.
Tags: Rajinikanth in Lingaa audio launch photos, Superstar Rajinikanth at Lingaa audio launch stills, Rajinikanth at Lingaa photos, Rajinikanth exclusive photos in Lingaa audio launches, Tamil actors Rajinikanth at Lingaa audio launch picture, Lingaa actor Rajinikanth at audio launch pics, Rajinikanth in Lingaa audio launch photo gallery, Rajinikanth at Lingaa Tamil movie audio launch stills.