Long days have Tamil and Telugu super item actress Anushka Shetty was never seen in a movie. Some party, celebrities event and seen to other places where she attend and visited there. Now Anushka Shetty attend at Lingaa Tamil movie which she is an leading actress there. Here also her co-artist Sonakshi Sinha with actor Superstar Rajinikanth. Thanks to giving Anushka who comes lot of days any audio launch. She screening of Lingaa audio launches which is will be release in 12th December.
Tags: Anushka Shetty photos, Anushka Shetty picture, Anushka Shetty stills, Anushka Shetty photo gallery, Anushka Shetty movie stills, Anushka Shetty at Lingaa audio launch, Anushka Shetty at screening Tamil movie Lingaa audio launch, Tamil atress Anushka Shetty at Lingaa audio launches, Anushka Shetty latest stills at Lingaa audio launch.