Bangladeshi film actor Bappi force to actress Achol who wear in traditional of Bengali lungi dress. Actress Achol spoke a quilt. Bappi in FDC busy now 'Lungi' pulled hero. However, it is no crime anyhow of actor Bappi. That the director Ispahani Arif Jahan saying. The fact of his new movie "Gangster: The Terrorist" shooting at the lungi stretch blind. Is the film of an item song and it is the "Lungi Dance" name. However, today's post production work of this film has already approximately ended. Now begins the process of release. Very soon it will be submitted to censored board of Bangladesh Film Industries. August 13 is the shooting of the movie area around the capital of Dhaka. Only songs and action scenes in the film unit is shooting for a consecutive 15 days in Cox'sbazaar. The film most of the song have been shot there.
The two major figures in the film are played by the Achol Akhee and Bappy Chowdhury. There are also played in this movie Tanvir Tonu and Amrita Khan.